May 29, 2023
On today’s podcast, recorded at the first FC North event (And yes, Harrogate is in the north) is returning guest, Roger Atkins. Roger is one of the most informed speakers working today having spent 15 years around EVs and 38 years total in the automobile industry. Roger is also the founder of Electric Vehicles...
May 22, 2023
In this episode, Robert talks about some current news stories floating around the internet, He discusses the UK’s charging infrastructure on target for 2030, Lithium exports from Australian, new Toyota Evs and there’s a particular amazing rant about an article claiming that heavy electric cars going to make old...
May 18, 2023
Gill Nowell & Alexandra H-C Borgnis sit down with Robert at Fully Charged Live to chat about the task of getting as many people to drive electric as possible by 2030.
In April 2021 Gill was celebrated as one of the Top Women in EV for policy and campaigning. In June 2020, she was selected as one of the Women’s...
May 15, 2023
In this episode, Fully Charged Show’s CEO Dan Caesar steps back into the hot seat to talk about the success of Fully Charged LIVE in Farnborough and everything you might not know about the upcoming Harrogate show, the first FC Live show up north ever.
As Harrogate is hotting up, Robert talks about his recent trip to...
May 9, 2023
Robert is joined this week by Andreas Wallendahl, co-founder and COO of Tenet (not the confusing film). Tenet is a company that finance the purchase of new or used EVs.
After coming to the US from the UK to study at MIT Andreas settled in New York. Inspired by advancements in battery technologies, he set up Tenet with...